It not only deletes or changes the group record, but also tracks down references to the old group name and updates them. 它不仅删除或更改组记录,还跟踪对原组名称的引用并更新这些引用。
The aggregation activity implements data aggregation rules which, before CCMS data is updated, take in consideration the source of the data for each data group in the customer record to be updated. 聚合活动实现数据聚合规则,该规则会在更新CCMS数据前对要更新的客户数据中每个数据组的数据的来源进行考虑。
This shows that only members in the "SuperAdmin" group can operate on the ACL record type. 这显示了只有在“SuperAdmin”组中的成员可以对ACL记录类型操作。
Add a group called Record under the Groups category. 在Groups类别下添加一个名称为Record的分组。
The group's first record came out in 1973. 该乐队的首张唱片于1973年问世。
The Ramones, who were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002, were a quintessential rock group whose influence far exceeded record sales. 雷蒙斯是一支经典的摇滚乐队,他们的影响力远远超过其唱片销量,于2002年入驻摇滚名人堂。
The DJ said he liked the group, although their first record didn't even chart. 音乐节目主持人说他喜欢这个演唱组,尽管他们的第一张唱片连排行榜都没进。
During the year, the group has achieved another record level in turnover reflecting its superior position in the global computer monitor industry and world-class production capabilities. 年度期间,集团营业额录得可观增长,反映集团拥有世界级生产能力及在全球电脑显示器市场之领先地位。
The group have just signedwith a new record label. 这个演唱组刚签约以新名字录音。
Companies have given strong signals about their willingness to expand, said Ivan Seidenberg, chairman of the Business Roundtable and chief executive of telecoms group Verizon, with record numbers forecasting higher sales, hiring and capital spending. 企业发出强大信号,表示它们有意扩张,商业圆桌会议主席、电信集团Verizon首席执行官伊万塞登伯格(IvanSeidenberg)表示。创纪录数量的美国企业预测销售额、招聘和资本支出都会上升。
The name field for this disk group record cannot be read. 无法读取这个磁盘组记录的名称字段。
Within months, the group was signed to a major record company. 在几个月内,这支乐队就和一家大型唱片公司签约了。
Shares in Cosco Holdings nearly doubled on their first day of trading in Shanghai yesterday after China's largest shipping group received record subscriptions for its$ 2bn offering. 中远控股(CoscoHoldings)昨日在上海证交所首日交易中,股价上涨近一倍。此前,这家中国最大的船运集团规模20亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO)中,得到了创纪录的申购。
Type the name of the field that contains the values you want to filter for. The field must be in the selected group record source. 请键入筛选依据值所在字段的名称。该字段必须在选中的分组记录源中。
During the year, the Group continued to record a strong growth in the sales of children's paper products. 本年度内,儿童纸类制品继续维持强劲的销售增长。
From investment, Staff and advanced technical equipment, the safe production work in Jincheng Coal Group are introduced, zero record of the death rate for million tons is achieved. 从投入队伍落实以及采用国内外先进生产技术装备等几个方面,介绍了晋城煤业集团安全生产方面的思路和作法,实现了百万吨死亡率为零的记录。
Michael queen, who took over at 3I in early 2009, said the group aimed to build on its track record in Asia by joining the growing number of western private equity groups rushing to raise renminbi funds. 迈克尔奎恩(michaelqueen)于2009年接手3i,他说该集团计划在亚洲业务成就的基础上更进一步,加入忙于筹集人民币基金的越来越多西方私募股权集团的行列。
The group's record has sold millions. 他们的唱片已经售出了千千万万张了。
It's a short promo, made to accompany the release of the group's latest record. 它是一部为配合这个小组最新唱片的发行而制作的广告短片。
To commit your changes to the database, on the home tab, in the records group, Click Save record. 要将所做的更改提交到数据库,请在“开始”选项卡上的“记录”组中,单击“保存”。
Li Ning already broke the news last December that the group probably made a record net loss for 2012. 李宁公司在去年12月就宣布,该集团2012年很可能出现创纪录的净亏损。
As the most successful and profitable manufacturer of premium automobiles and motorcycles, the BMW Group has achieved new record figures for sales volume and revenues for consecutive years. 作为当今世界最成功和效益最好的高档汽车及摩托车生产商,宝马集团几年来连续创造新的销售及收入纪录。
However, for this special group of soldiers, their honor and record, and even the implementation of their mandate, will be sealed in the secret file. 然而,对于这一群特殊的军人,他们的荣誉和战绩,甚至他们所执行的任务,都将封存在机密档案里。
The designated enterprises for the production of ephedrine shall be appointed by the state department of pharmaceutical administration and submitted to the Office of the National Anti-drug Leading Group for the record. 麻黄素定点生产企业由国家药品管理部门指定,报全国禁毒工作领导小组办公室备案。
So what does Reg Kay do differently to any other trainer that helps him keep churning out Group winners, track record breakers, and winners galore. 那么注册凯有什么不同任何其他教练,帮助他保持生产组获奖者,记录断路器和优胜者嘉豪。
In this activity, decide what the missing word in each group is, then record your answer and check it against the model. 这个练习中,决定每一组所缺的单词是什么,然后录下你的答案并和标准答案对照。
Modern enterprises often appear in the form of groups. Each member of the group all has its own accounting record. 现代企业往往是以集团形式出现的,集团内部各成员都有自己的会计记录。
Taste words as a language and vocabulary in a word group and its unique way to record the experience of taste perception. 味觉词作为语言词汇系统中的一个词群,以其独特的方式记录了人们对于味觉感知的经验。
MSCs treatment group compared to the control group, accurate and detailed record of the measured data collated for statistical processing. MSCs治疗组与对照组相比情况,准确详细的记录测得数据,整理后进行统计学处理。